Boise’s Slut Walk Sends Message That “No Means No” No Matter What The Clothes

Over 200 men and women turned out Saturday to send the message to Idaho that rape is never OK.  The organizers and  participants of Idaho’s very first Slut Walk met at Boise’s Julia Davis park before marching down Capital Boulevard to Capital park.

The group then decided to carry their message even further by walking down 8th street and then Bannock.

The Boise walk, which was mostly ignored by Idaho media, was the latest in an international movement following an incident that occurred last April, after  Toronto police officer and crime prevention specialist,   Michael Sanguinetti, told a safety forum that ”women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized,”

Organizers hope that the walk is just the beginning of a movement that engages people of all sexualities and genders in a community effort to combat rape culture, raises awareness and foster a supportive community in which rape victims will not be blamed for the crime committed against them and educates people by teaching them not to be rapists instead of teaching them not to be raped.

3 Responses to Boise’s Slut Walk Sends Message That “No Means No” No Matter What The Clothes

  1. Pingback: a.l.p.h.a. was here. « Alpha Idaho

  2. Willy Nelson says:

    Present yourself in a matter that actually show’s that you care about image. forcing sex is no excuse and no should mean no. However, if you don’t represent yourself respectfully or care about yourself than how do you expect others to care. Overall, respect your body. I see in this video woman who don’t represent themselves well. Therefore, the policeman was way out of line, but in a sense he is right.

  3. jamestidmarsh says:

    @Willy I’m curious to know how exactly do you define “woman who don’t represent themselves well”? Who are you or anybody else to say who represents themselves well or not when it comes to sexual violence. No sir, he wasn’t right. Sexual Violence is always wrong. A person could be standing next to you naked as the day they were born and if you violate them, you sir are a rapist. It’s exactly this kind of attitude that these women were walking for. What image, dare I ask, do you recommend a potential victim of a sexual crime project in order to stop the perpetrator? Do tell and we’ll name a foundation after you, because every study I’ve ever seen shows that there is no “mode of proper dress” when it comes to stopping a perpetrator.-JT

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