ACLU Considers Lawsuit Against School Over Gay Straight Alliance Shirt

According to, “The American Civil Liberties Union is now involved after a family has reported to police that a Madisonville Tennessee teen was assaulted by his high school principal.”

The situation started on September 30th when Madisonville Tennessee High School senior Chris Sigler wore a homemade T-shirt that read, “”Gay Straight Alliance: We’ve got your back”

Sigler says the alleged assault occurred on Sept. 30, when the principal Maurice Moser told Sigler to change his shirt. Siegler refused.

“He (Moser) comes down there and evacuates the classroom and me and my sister were the only two in there,” Sigler Tells Knoxnews. “And then he grabbed me by the arm and shoulder whenever I tried to walk out and pushed me, and my shoulder hit the wall, and then he started bumping me back with his chest, and I had to jump over a chair and a desk to get away from him.”

“At that point, Sigler returned to a desk, and his mother, Linda Sigler, walked into the classroom.

According to the Siglers, Moser was taunting the senior, saying, “You think you’re a big man now?” and “What you gonna do about this?”

Sigler and other students tried to start a GSA club in August. The school told them no.

The ACLU sent a letter to Monroe County Schools on Tuesday demanding that they let students wear clothing in “peaceful demonstration” for the GSA by October 11, 2011.

“If we don’t get a satisfactory response from the school district by Tuesday, October 11th, we fully anticipate reviewing all of our legal options, including filing for a temporary restraining order in Federal court,” explained Legal Representative for the ACLU in Tennessee, Tricia Hertzfeld.

The ACLU tells WBIR.COM that it decided to officially get involved now because Sigler’s allegations of assault indicate the situation has heightened.

Police are investigating the assault incident.


Update: Student Suspended in Jamey Rodemyer Bullying Case

Remember the sicking story about the bullies who chanted, “We’re glad you’re dead” at Jamey’s sister during a homecoming dance? Well it appears one of those bullies may have been caught.

LGBTQ Nation is reporting that, “The (School) district identified a single student believed responsible for the Sept. 22 incident at the homecoming event, and that he has imposed a long-term suspension which was “to the fullest extent allowed by state education law.”

The School District made the announcement via You Tube:

Three other students could be facing criminal charges for the bullying that led up to Rodemyer’s suicide. LGBTQ Nation says “The Amherst Police Department Special Victims Unit has opened a criminal investigation to determine whether to charge some students with harassment, cyber-harassment or hate crimes. “